
Weekend Quickies

Just a couple housekeeping notes...

First up, hi Laney! Laney obviously took my rather pointed hint and decided to become a loud and proud follower, so here is her well-earned shout out on la blog... Laney is one of the pals I met in grad school - we shared many an interesting (or not) class together. She beat me to the punch and landed herself a job last year. Good luck, girl!

Are you a secret blog stalker? Want me to say nice things about you? You know what to do! (Hint: it starts with an 'F' and ends with 'ollow'.)

The grandfather poll closed a few days ago and Pappi is the big winner. But I have a confession. Shortly after posting the poll, Papa was floated as a contender and I think that's what my dad's name will eventually become. Of course, once Violet starts talking all bets are off. So thanks for voting just the same.

And in honor of my dad, be he Pappi or Papa, here is a picture of Violet's first piano lesson. She's jammin' out already!

Her cute new outfit is a loaner courtesy of Lee Anne's neighbor. Now, I normally don't believe in borrowing baby clothes that are going to be returned to their rightful owner. After all, I can't guarantee the condition they'll be in once Miss Drooly is done with them. But I made an exception in this case because they are SO gorgeous. Plus, they have some connection to the Kennedy's. Yes, those Kennedy's. I'm not sure exactly what, as I was too busy drooling myself over the frocks to pay much attention to the story. But I'll take a brush of fame where I can get it!

And with that, have a great weekend everyone!


  1. Host giveaways! Apparently that is a great way to sucker in a few new followers at a time...
    and if you have nothing to giveaway, I'll cough up 8 of my cards to one of your readers to start you off. Just a thought!

    PS I need to see that cute child in my green and yellow daisy outfit...hopefully it fits! Please tell me it does... :)

  2. I think it just about fits! I've got it the stash I'm about to wash for her... stay tuned, I'm sure it will end up on here!

    Oooh, and the giveaway is brilliant! I might just take you up on your offer. It will make up for the fact that I blogged about your giveaway to my readers and then won the cards for myself!


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