
Five Months!

5 Months!

Five months already. Crazy. She's a good girl, that Violet. So without any official stats, what's new that I haven't told you guys already? Let's see... Violet inherited a walker recently. So far she's only managed to go backwards in it. Hopefully that's not a bad sign. Lukas dubbed it her "office" because she becomes very busy and important with all the buttons and gizmos that make noise and play music. Lately I've been putting it in the bathroom to keep Violet entertained while I shower in the mornings. I also sing to her while I'm in the shower - the repertoire includes Jeremiah Was a Bullfrog, Going to the Chapel and Build Me Up Buttercup.

We're trying the whole unswaddling thing at bedtime again. It's more Violet's doing than ours. Her sneaky little arms have been escaping mere seconds after being tucked away, so the other night we just gave up and left one of them out of the straitjacket altogether. She fell asleep fine. Stayed that way, too. Naptime has undergone a change as well. Now I put her upstairs in her bed before she's asleep; trying to teach her to put herself to sleep. It's not quite as successful as bedtime, but we're getting there. And speaking of sleeping, Violet now snoozes until about 9 a.m. I know. I barely know what to do with myself in the mornings.

Violet's first tummy nap... I've been too freaked out about SIDS to let her sleep on her stomach before this.

Violet loves to touch my face. Sometimes we just lay on the floor together and she runs her hands all over my cheeks, nose, mouth. It's sweet. She's so tiny, yet she knows who I am and wants to memorize my face with her little hands. It's one of those moments I'll try to hold onto and remember when she's a hormone-raging 15-year-old who wants nothing to do with me except to borrow twenty bucks.

 At the pool yesterday in a new bathing suit!

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