
Monday's Child

20 Weeks

Exciting week ahead! We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Uncle Lukas and Aunt Danielle, all the way from Santiago. They will be spending a couple of glorious days with us, meeting Violet for the very first time. Obviously, Violet can't wait! She has heard plenty of stories about her Godparents, all of them good, and can't wait to show off all her new tricks. 

This weekend she learned to blow raspberries and woke us up at 6 a.m. on Saturday just to tell us all about it, chattering away over the baby monitor. She also finally figured out how to pull her little frog rattle on the car seat.

Look at those big eyes! They're still blue, but dark dark slate gray-blue. Jury is still out on their ultimate shade.


  1. I need a couple copies of this latest Monday picture. Please send them to WalMart when you get a chance It is sooo cute. I love that dress and she looks like she is flirting behind the bow on the shoulder!!

  2. Will do, Lee Anne! I'm sure there are other pictures you want, too. Perhaps I'll send a surprise assortment! I'm trying to remember who gave us the outfit... Aunt Stephanie, perhaps?

  3. She is ADORABLE! Love the little dress!


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