

Well, as you can tell I've been tinkering with the blog a bit. It was time for a change. Plus I get jealous when I see all the other fancy blogs out there. I put a new poll up so you can weigh in. I really wish there was a write-in option where you could tell me what should be fixed or altered, but alas, you only options are to love it, hate it, or "eh" it (or I suppose, leave a comment below). Not that I really expect anyone to actually loathe the redecorating, but I must be fair. Feel free to weigh in. Or not. Whatev. (Pretending I don't care when secretly I'll be obsessively refreshing the page to see if the vote tally goes up...)

 The Drool Factory approves of the new look.

Last night, Matt and I embarked on our first official, just for us and not because we're obligated to attend someone else's event, Date Night! It was lovely. I thought we'd just hit up the local burger joint, but no, Matt went all fancy on me and took me out for steak at a place that claimed to have a dress code. Grandma (thank you!!!) came up to babysit, and I'm pleased to say I left a happy baby and came home to a happy baby. There was a minor snag in the middle, but nothing like what the babysitters have experienced before. It took me a while to relax at the restaurant, but a glass of red wine fixed that in short order. The food was heavenly, and we capped it off with a classy run through a McDonald's drive-thru for hot fudge sundaes. Matt and I had a lovely adult conversation, with hardly a mention of diapers or breastfeeding or anything else baby-related. I forgot how nice it is to have a night out like that. All our other outings have centered around events we've been obligated to attend. They've been great, but it hasn't really been a date night. Last night, we could just focus on each other (and not in that stressed, do we have enough money, when am I going to get a job, you need to get the oil changed on my car sort of way). It's important. Before Violet, I made all sorts of promises to myself, like having a date night once a week. Then the reality of finding babysitters, finding the time, the energy, hit me. So yesterday was a good reminder, a good first step, a good glimmer of light through that open window of possibility. I mean, we're in this whole parenting thing for the long haul; it's about time we get ourselves all gussied up and out to dinner for once.

That's all for now, peeps. Have a fabulous weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the new look. I would have voted, but the poll apparently closed before I got back from vacay. Anyway...it looks fabulous!


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