
Monday's Child

22 Weeks!

When Grandma babysat last week, she brought up some fancy new hairbows for Violet, and I'm proud to say that the girl has enough hair to wear them! Although I guess you can't really tell thanks to the nature of the dark couch she's sitting on. Trust me, the hair is there.

We had a long, hot, fun weekend. You can read about Friday in the post below. Saturday was spent in outside as the neighbors turned our shared side yard into a water park for the boys, complete with slip n' slide, baby pool, sprinklers, you name it. Violet stayed under the umbrella for the most part, but we all enjoyed the hot weather and the sprinklers that were accidentally on purpose aimed our way. We all shared pizza on our porch and were pretty much pooped the rest of the day. The sun will do that to ya.

Enjoy this last week of July. Come August, I must start wrapping my head around the fact that I have one last grad school class to take before I earn my Master's. I don't know when the class starts, where it is held, what books I'll need, what it entails... only that I must take it, and pay vast sums of money for the pleasure. Boo. However, August also means the start of football season, so all is not in vain. (Of course, that means it's also the start of Fantasy Football season, which is an entirely different jar of pickles altogether. My fellow fantasy football widows, I sympathize with you. Let's start a support group. That preferably meets at a spa.)


  1. I love the bows. She looks so sweet in them. Hope she gets lots of wear out of them, a they look so cute.

  2. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. I never understood the appeal of Fantasy sports leagues until I joined, and won, mine! :-)


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