

I'm hoping to catch up on some sleep this weekend. Our Labor Day holiday can't come fast enough.

My workload at the elementary school shot up significantly this week as I started doing my own planning and teaching twice a day. I have an enrichment group in the morning and some students who need a bit of extra help in the afternoon (if you catch my politically correct drift). Now, teaching two segments a day isn't that bad. But keep in mind I don't get a planning period and I'm not paid to stay late or show up early. I have about fifteen minutes in the morning before the first group shows up, and another 30 minutes in the afternoon before I'm off the clock and out the door to get my baby love. I don't really have the time or money to spend on planning or preparing at home. So I just have to squeeze it in where I can. This teaching stuff is not for sissies. At least I'm slooooowly starting to learn the names of the 200 or so first graders I see every day.

Some other tidbits from school this week: I was given my first silly band. I think it's a giraffe? For the life of me I do not understand this new grade school obsession, and I assume it will one day go the way of the beenie baby, but for now, at least I'm part of the cool crowd with my awesome light blue giraffe-ish shaped silly band. Also, the other day Matt innocently asked me if I remembered Go-gurt, the yogurt that comes in the squeezable tube. Does it still exist, he wondered. Dude, if you only knew how many Gogurts I have to rip open for the kindergarten students I have lunch duty with.

As far as the home front is concerned, yesterday we got the dreaded call that we had to pick Violet up from daycare early - she was sick. Apparently there was a epidemic of diarrhea going around the infant room and if a baby so much as farted the wrong way, they were packed up and shipped home for at least 24 hours. (In their defense, my girl had to get a bath in the sink because her diaper was that out of control, so they were justified in calling.) Unfortunately, this mom of the year left my phone in the car on the one day daycare calls. (Of course, I don't get cell service in the school, nor am I anywhere near my classroom most of the time to check my messages even if the call came through, so I'm not sure it mattered much.) They finally reached Matt, who took the day off today to hang out with Violet. Who, for the record, feels fine. But what to do, a rule is a rule.

 The Little Plop, splish-splashing in the tub. She's active enough to get me pretty soaked these days during bath time!

So after this week's drama central, we are all ready to chill out and relax for a few days. We'll eat pizza, grill out with the neighbors, catch the season's first Georgia game (woot woot!), hopefully snatch a few extra zzzz's. Mimi is planning a playdate with Violet, I really want to clean the shower (yeah right) or at least get to Walmart... Eh, who knows. All I can say for sure is, I will be resting from my month of hard labor and enjoying the only day off we'll see until November.

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