
Title Me Tuesday

Okay, one more Title Me... if no one plays along, I'll take it as a sign that we can retire this feature. I decided to go with a cute picture instead of a straight up silly one. Next week (if we get to next week) will be another purposefully posed, mom and dad are so mean to poor Violet shot. But for now, give us your best!


  1. I feel pretty, oh so pretty
    I feel pretty and witty and gay
    And I pity any girl who isn't me today
    I feel charming, oh so charming
    It's alarming how charming I feel
    And so pretty
    That I hardly can believe I'm real
    See the pretty girl in that mirror there?
    Who can that attractive girl be?
    Such a pretty face, such a pretty dress
    Such a pretty smile, such a pretty me!

  2. All right, Mr. DeMille, I'm ready for my close-up.

  3. Daddy, Can I pa-leeeeease have a pony?!?!

  4. Why yes, my eyelashes are real. What a silly question!!!!


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