
7 Months!

Violet is seven months old today! It's strange... six months was a big milestone, but seven months seems even more significant. She's closer to being a one-year-old than a newborn. She's passed that halfway mark. Tomorrow she gets to try formula from a sippy cup at school. She's eating meats. Big stuff! We're pretty convinced she actually waved bye-bye to Matt the other day when he put her in the car before school. At least, he waved and she moved her arms and hands back at him in a similar motion. Hey, we'll take it!

So my husband just returned from a business trip. Last night it was just me and the Little Plop, all by ourselves. I was nervous, I'm not going to lie. Violet's been sleeping so poorly, it's tough enough to make it through the night when you can tag-team with your spouse. I was dreading a night of up and down alone. But fortunately, the little girl slept all night (or I was asleep so hard I didn't hear her stirring!) And I needed some rest! But let me tell you, being a single parent is no joke. For those of you out there who do it, God bless you. You're earning an extra star in your crown in Heaven. Here's hoping Matt never decides to get rid of me because I just don't know how I'd manage.

And on that note, let's take a stroll through the many shades of Violet (please observe that the below pictures were snapped within about 90 seconds of each other):


Is she a stinker, or what? My Friend here has developed quite an attachment disorder. If you're not in her face playing with her or holding her, she is boo-hooing. I can't even walk into the kitchen where she can still see me without a complete meltdown. That made for a fun two days without Daddy, let me tell you. But she's such a sweetie still. Rotten, but a sweetie.

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