
Best of Times, Worst of Times

This weekend put us through the wringer. I'm ready for another one already! Alas, the week has just begun, so we must soldier on. It started well enough. Violet got to check out a few of the big-girl items she's been itching to get into. For example, the neighbors' swingset.

Aw... my big girl! So after pizza and swinging on Friday, Mimi came up Saturday and hung out for a few hours. We took Violet for a walk in her big-girl stroller at this fab park we recently discovered. She was actually awake for it this time - big improvement from our last outing there. Then Saturday night, Matt was slated to babysit while I had my first girls' night out. We had a great time at a fun little restaurant called Kozmo. I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've been outs sans baby and husband, and it was nice. Must remember to do that more often. Anyway, I arrive home to find out that Violet has been giving Matt the business all night long. I don't know if her stomach hurt, her teeth were bothering her, the runny nose and cough were keeping her up or what, but suffice to say, the stinker was not happy and she was going to tell us about it.

Tooth Number Two is making its presence known.

So I capped off a fun evening out with a night of zero sleep. To make matters worse, Matt was off to the Falcons game on Sunday, stranding me at home with a cranky baby who wouldn't let me leave her sight without completely falling apart. She was either feeling miserable or she is spoiled rotten. Jury is still out. It was a long day to say the least. I wish I could nap, but I've never been good at it. One bright spot: Publix was running a BOGO sale on baby food, paired with a handy coupon of a dollar off seven jars (Keight - you were right! What a deal!) so at least I scored there. Then we headed to the neighbor's house for a two-year-old's birthday party. (As an aside - God knew what he was doing when he gave me a girl. I went shopping for little boy clothes and a) there aren't any cute ones, and b) Target has four racks of girl clothes for every boy one.) 

As if that weren't exhausting enough, Sunday night didn't hold much more sleep than the one before, although this time we threw the towel in much earlier and just took Violet to bed with us, taking turns holding her so she could breathe without coughing. It's been rough, I'm not going to lie. There were some bright spots this weekend, but I'm ready for another one. (Although this coming weekend I'll be spending all day Saturday at UGA for my Master's degree, so I won't be catching up on any zzz's there.) Sorry about all the complaining... we'll take any prayers you can spare over here that Violet will get over this cold/tummy trouble/teething pain she's been experiencing.

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