
With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for Pool!

This weekend, Violet took her first dip in the neighborhood pool!

Okay, when I say dip, I mean her pretty little toes. She's not quite big enough for the Little Swimmers diapers yet, plus she doesn't own a bathing suit, so her legs were the only part that actual touched water. But I figured it was enough excitement for her first trip to the pool. Plus the sun was crazy hot and her skin is still so fine... They say not to use sunscreen on babies until they're six months (which is right around the corner anyway) but I'll be double-checking with the pediatrician at our next appointment to see if there's anything else we can do.

Still, I'm pretty sure she had a good time.

Also, thanks to the excellent photography skills of my hubby, you can't tell that I made the ultimate mom purchase the other day (other than buying a minivan, this is as mom as you can get). I bought a one-piece bathing suit. I know, I know. I haven't worn one since I was eight. But I think it's kinda cute in that retro, sexy (but not too sexy) way. I might have even bought it if I wasn't a mom. But the thought of a two piece this year just turns my stomach (and my stomach flab) a bit. Anyway, here's hoping I have plenty of occasion to wear it this summer. It is seriously too hot to even contemplate stepping outside right now, but one of these days maybe...

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