
Rock the Vote

A new poll is up! This one will hopefully resolve the dilemma of what my dad should be called.

Some factors to consider: My mom goes by Mimi, so Mimi and Pappi might be nice together. Of course Grandpa is the traditional, and what we called our grandfathers. But that's what Matt's dad is also going by, so there might be some confusion. As my dad often refers to Violet as "The Child" (in noble, somber tones) I thought it only appropriate that he could be called The Grandfather (in equally noble, somber tones) And Pop Pop is in there because what do I know? Maybe that's a good option?

Too bad there's not a write-in option. If you have something better, or just want to let me know what names you have for your own grandparents, feel free to leave a comment! And let the voting begin!

Who is doing all this finger-pointing? Violet should at least have a name to go with the face!


  1. i love pappi for the mimi symmetry and the italian feel. my dad started out as big daddy but since i started watching arrested development he has fully transitioned to pop pop, so i like that one too.

  2. Wendi and I called our dad's parents Nana and Papa. It's amazing how one little word for your grandfather or grandmother can turn into the most amazing word you've ever known. When our dad gave the eulogy at my Papa's funeral, he started out by saying that during the speech, he'd be referring to his father as "Papa" because that's how he was known. It was very special.


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