
Monday's Child

16 Weeks!

Sorry this is late, folks. I took the picture yesterday and then never got a chance to post it. Matt and I were off to Conan O'Brien's "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny on Television" comedy tour extravaganza at the Fox last night and had to jump in the car before I got near the computer.

Violet's day yesterday started well enough. Grandma came up in the early afternoon and got plenty of sweet smiles and playtime with the munchkin. But wouldn't you know it, 30 minutes before we were due to leave, Violet had a total meltdown. I think her tummy was really hurting. She screamed and screamed. (That or her dad really pissed her off because she tended to look at him and bust out in bloody murder. I don't think he took it too personally, though.) Lee Anne finally got her to sleep just minutes before we left, but I did so with much fear and trepidation. I had a bad feeling...

Sure enough, when I checked in a few hours later, she was screaming so loud I could hear her through the phone and had refused her bottle. I can't even describe what it feels like to be so far away from your child and feeling helpless. I totally trusted Grandma to know what to do, but I just felt awful that a) Violet felt so bad, and b) that Grandma and Grandpa weren't getting the fun cuddle time they came all the way up from Peachtree City for. Thank God they called back just 15 minutes later to report that Violet was now calm, happy and eating. A tiny part of me suspected they might be lying just to make me feel better so I could enjoy the show, but my neighbors backed up the story and reported a very happy Violet was spotted swinging on the back porch later that evening. Whew! I'm thinking it's time for some local date nights, rather than marathon outings to downtown Atlanta. I'm all for going out, getting Violet used to the babysitter, etc, but perhaps it shouldn't take place quite so far away for quite so long a time. (Much longer post on this topic to come, I'd imagine.)

So it took some effort, but I did manage to enjoy Conan. It's always amazing to see someone you've watched for years on television up close and personal. I love Conan! He was decidedly less bitter than I imagine he was at his first few shows. And you'll be happy to know that my boobs survived the show as well, although I made a beeline for the breast pump in the car after the show. So if anyone was on the streets of Midtown last night and spotted some weird activity in the car next to them, I apologize.

Who would  have thought this happy girl would have such a meltdown just hours later? But at least she looked this happy to see us again in the morning.

PS Thanks for rockin' the vote on the latest poll, everyone! This has certainly been the fastest voted-on poll to date. And we definitely have a clear lead. I'm wondering if I should have added Papa or Pops as an option... ah well.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot wait to pinch those chubby cheeks and thighs on Friday! :-) What a doll!


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