
One Step Forward, 47 Steps Back

Excuse me for being a little over-dramatic, Violet hasn't regressed 47 milestones back to the rag-doll phase of her life. It only feels that way. In actual fact, her neck strength is better than ever and she can totally support all her weight when I stand her up on those chubby little legs of hers. But when she's wide awake fussing at 3 a.m., it does bring me back to those early weeks when I'd be frantically trying to calm her in the dark living room, praying that she wouldn't wake Matt up since he's our sole bread-winner and should probably remain reasonably functional at work in the a.m.

It's been three days now, or is it four (see what happens? Already losing my mind) that Violet has been up in the night. Perhaps it was my pride that inevitably led to this fall. I was so excited to note her milestones on the calendar: Violet sleeps through the night. Violet sleeps in her own bed. Violet sleeps in her own bed while Mommy and Daddy sleep downstairs in their own bed. But it only lasted a few short weeks. I have no idea what has brought on this new game of hers, but I'm not liking it one bit. I'd started taking for granted my full night's sleep. In fact, we'd moved on from how to get Violet to sleep through the night to how to get Violet to go to bed even earlier so we can actually enjoy the remains of the evening together. Now I'd be happy just to know she's staying asleep.

Last night after I'd been up once on pacifier duty and Matt had pulled our little bundle into bed with us, we threw in the towel and reswaddled her. I have nothing against it, it's always worked for us in the past, but she's getting a little big for the velcro contraption we have her in. Plus I worry about her getting overheated. But it looks like it's back to the baby straight jacket for her. Hopefully it will work and she'll get her sleep patterns back on track. I don't know how long it takes a three-and-a-half month child to figure out how to manipulate her parents, but I'd like to nip it in the bud. I don't want her thinking we'll jump to her beck and call in the middle of the night, or swoop her up and let her sleep in the big kids' bed with us.  (But at the same time, I just can't let her cry it out yet. Sue me, I know. The girl has staying power. And often she has a legitimate reason - trapped burp, etc. And then I just feel bad.)

I am at a loss. We'll see if the swaddling works. Otherwise...???

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