
4 Month Stats

The results are in! Drumroll please........ Violet weighs in at a whopping 15 pounds 4 ounces! That's the 90th percentile, folks! I knew she was a big girl, but my goodness! Fortunately, at 25.5 inches, she's also in the 90th percentile for height, so at least she's proportional. Her head circumference (who knew they even measured that? and why?) is only in the 50th percentile, however. So looks like the noggin has some catching up to do.

Yesterday, in preparation for her big day today, Violet managed to work herself 360 degrees around in the exersaucer all by herself. The practice paid off, because she wowed Dr. Teague with all her mad skills. Holding her head up while pulled into a sitting position - check. Tracking an object 180 degrees- check. Lifting her head up during tummy time - check. That little stinker was just showing off for the doctor. I never get all that fancy tummy time action. We have the go-ahead to start rice cereal whenever we want, although like Dr. Teague says, there's not really any rush. If anything, it would just give her good practice eating from a spoon, but it's not like she needs the extra calories or anything. We'll see. It might be a fun new experiment to try if things get dull around here. (Ha!) We had a good report all around, and then Violet earned four blue Snoopy band-aids on her chunky little thighs after her shots. Her crankiness aside, today was a pretty good day. I even bought some ice cream for myself to help Violet feel better after her shots. (Don't ask me how that logic works, it just does.)

Of course, the internet was down all day, which kinda sucked for me. Matt came and rescued the situation just now and I gleefully logged on to find only two legit emails amidst the junk, and only two sad little updates on Facebook. Depressing. I might need more friends.

However, no internet meant I had plenty of time to catch up on my book club pick. (It took me a while to figure out what to do without the computer... it was back to the Dark Ages for a while there until I remembered I have a stack of books to plow through.) July's pick is Forrest Gump - we were going for something patriotic, but that was the closest we could find without having to read some long, dry war book that's been adapted into a long, bloody war movie. And I'll take a box of chocolates over war movies any day. But... I'm not reading Forrest Gump just yet. The library misplaced both copies, so I was forced to jump ahead to August's pick. August equals football season (go Dawgs!) and in honor, we're reading The Blind Side. And let me tell you, that book is awesome. The story is great, plus it's backed up with all these interesting insider football facts that a nerd like me can really enjoy.

I've come to realize that I like reading books that educate me in subjects I didn't know anything about, but do so in a sneaky, fascinating way. Sort of like eating a delicious meal only to find out that the chef snuck in a full serving of vegetables without you even realizing it. Healthy, and yummy! Seabiscuit comes to mind as another example. Before reading that book, I knew little about horse racing and didn't care to really learn any more. But I devoured that book. Came away entertained and enlightened. And that's all any author came hope for, I suppose. Anyway, now I have to hope I can finish The Blind Side and still make it through Forrest Gump before the end of July. Before Violet, reading was a breeze. But now the only time I have to sit down with a book is while the baby is napping, and let's face it, I have a long list of more productive things I should be doing while she's sleeping. Sigh. Still, a good book can grab hold of me by the collar and keep my eyes open far longer than they should be each night, so I think my chances are pretty good this time around.


  1. Let me advise against Forrest Gump. I think that is the one time that an awesome movie has been made out of a truly strange and not-awesome book :)

  2. Here's a replacement suggestion: The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton. It has a lot of really cool historical fact-type stuff in it, similar to The Blind Side's football factoids :)


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