
Monday's Child

17 Weeks!

Yep, someone thinks it's great to be a Georgia Bulldog!  

We have had quite a weekend, one that makes me happy to be here at home and content not to go anywhere for a while! Father's Day was wonderful. Matt got to play golf with his dad here in the neighborhood, they even stopped to say hi when they were on our hole (alas, the beer fridge was empty or I could have offered them a cold one). Once they were done, we had the neighbors over for dinner and all squeezed around our little sun room table. I promise one of these days we'll have a legitimate dining room that seats more than four.

As for the other weekend activities, things started out rough. Poor Emily was put through the wringer on Friday while we attended the rehearsal dinner. In retrospect, I wish I could have just brought Violet along. There were plenty of other kids there and it was so noisy, no one would have noticed her. But instead I had to leave her at home and she was violently protesting the fact for a good hour and a half. So sad. The only consolation was that she cheered up in a big way before I came home, so there were plenty of smiles to greet me. Still, I imagine Emily will think twice before volunteering for babysitting duty again. (Although for the record, she has already volunteered again, so she is a better friend than I thought! Seriously, though, she loves Violet like her own.)

Saturday was a little better. Violet decided to give me the business before my parents even showed up, so she got it out of her system. For once, I got to leave a happy baby.

Violet seemed pretty content with Mimi before I took off for the wedding. My mom spent the evening wheeling her around the house in the stroller, singing. When it finally cooled down, they took a lovely walk around the neighborhood. All seemed well! (Or I've been lied to quite convincingly!)

For the first time, I was able to fully enjoy myself. Every time I checked in, things were going smoothly, I didn't hear any crying in the background, everyone seemed happy. A million thanks to my parents for coming up. 

And as for the event itself, beautiful!
After a HOT ceremony, we heated up the dance floor and partied the night away. It's always fun to watch people you love get married, especially when they seem so happy and excited to be starting a new life together. I'm glad Travis and Wendi are living relatively close by and we'll be able to see them often. Congrats, kids!

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