
Bubble Bath!

So Violet is getting a little too big for her bathtub. In fact, she's getting a little too big for a lot of things. She's growing out of her clothes like mad, but that's okay because I have a closet full of stuff for her. But today I went to get her a bathing suit (we have an awesome neighborhood pool and have only been once! It's practically a crime, considering what we pay in HOA fees. It's just too darn hot to even contemplate it!) and it was too small! I mean, I know the sizes they put on there are totally arbitrary. What fits one kid at six months will fit another kid at four months. But I just couldn't reconcile myself to the idea that she might actually be too big for a 6M. Naturally, she was. Plus that thing is a pain to put on. It's hard enough squeezing myself into a one-piece. It's almost impossible when you have a chubby, squirming, complaining child. So now, once again, I'm considering doing something I said I would never do. I might actually buy my baby girl a two-piece. Oh the irony. I'm not even in a two-piece this year! But it would be so much easier to put on her, especially considering how much she hates getting dressed right now. Remember when she used to hate to be naked? We've definitely turned a new corner. Now she hates putting clothes on. Not wearing them, just getting them on. Eh, we'll see. If I can find a swimsuit that actually fits her, maybe it will be different. Back a-Targeting I go.

Back to the bathtub dilemma, though. So now that she's almost too big for the infant tub, what do I do with her? She can't sit up by herself, so a real tub is out of the question. Is it kitchen sink time? Lay her in the yard and spray her off with a hose? Take her on a walk during a really good rainstorm? Put her in the shower with me? Taking all suggestions.


  1. Try the sink first. Then you may have to move to putting her in the tub with you. I think there may be a little bath sold for putting inside the tub also.

  2. Try the Munchin Duck Bathtub by Target, just $12. It's an inflatable rubber duckie that she can lay/sit in while being inside of your bath tub. Good luck!

  3. Ooh, my mother-in-law actually has the duck bathtub at her house... we'll get to try it out over July 4th. If it works, it's going on the shopping list!


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