
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me

Violet has gotten to know lots of our friends over the last two weeks. Here are a few that I managed to capture pictures of...
Jody! Or as she calls herself, that crazy lady! Jody was one of the first people to visit us in the hospital and then totally saved my life by leaving work early to buy me a nursing bra and deliver it to the house our first night home. I swear she loves Violet as much as she loves her own niece and nephew and has called constantly to check up on us.
Emily! This girl is too sweet. She offered to come keep me company when Matt was at work, but I thought she was just coming to hang out and kiss the baby. Oh, no honey. She showed up with the ingredients to not only cook us dinner that night, but doubled her recipe so the extra meal could go in the freezer. Then she rocked my screaming child (at the expense of missing the Thursday night tv lineup), slept on the couch so she could be nearby if we needed more rocking expertise in the middle of the night, and killed a renegade roach found wandering around the house. Plus she was on hand to help me take Violet to the pediatrician and witness my first time driving in the car with the baby. All done with a calm, levelheadedness that was contagious. I never once panicked. Okay, maybe a little about the roach.

Renee endured some of Atlanta's finest Friday night rush hour traffic to come visit Violet, but insisted it was all worth it. To celebrate, we all headed to Chick-fil-a for dinner. Violet seemed pretty taken with her.

Joyce came up this past weekend for a little baby time... look how sweet they are together. I'm glad Violet is meeting all my pals because, let's face it, they're going to be a big part of her life from now on! And I'm glad all my pals love her, because she's about to become the newest member of our entourage.

I went into labor the day after Wendi's bridal shower. Naturally at the shower, I assured everyone she would be late. Little did I know! I'm glad she held off long enough for me to celebrate Wendi's big day, however!

It's so nice when people come over because not only do they ooh and ahh appropriately over our sweet little girl, but it gives me a chance to have some grown-up talk that doesn't involve diapers or breast feeding. Although since that's all I have going on in my life right now, I still tend to talk about it more than half the time. But it does help me feel a little more normal to have our friends come over for a visit. Violet likes to show off for people and act as good as gold for them, saving her true colors for her parents at 2 a.m. But hey, I'll take a happy baby when I can get one! And hopefully one of these days I'll get the hang of nursing modestly so I can quit flashing everyone when Violet wants her dinner. To all the boys who have dropped by, I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable. Apparently once you've given birth,  you lose all sense of modesty. There's nothing like a nurse barging in to your hospital room to lift up your gown and pull down your underwear to make you get over a little thing called dignity and propriety. Perhaps those will return one day, along with my ability to wear normal jeans.

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