
Let's Compare

As if you needed proof at how much Violet has changed over the last ten weeks...

Exhibit A:
Violet, one week old.

Exhibit B:
 Violet, 10 weeks old.

Look at that chubby face! Violet is starting to look more and more like a real person every day! I know no proof was needed, but isn't it nuts to see the two pictures side by side and compare? She looks almost swallowed up in her newborn outfit at the top. And now she's got that big buddha belly keeping her company. (Just like I was "all belly" when I was pregnant, she's all belly now.)

Things that have remained the same, however, include all that dark hair and her still-blue eyes. A few people have commented that they look even more blue now than when she was born... are the blues here to stay?! Hmm... I sense a new poll coming on! Too bad the results won't be in for a good long while.

Also, Violet has been talking a lot lately. She's quite the conversationalist. Especially on her diaper changing pad, for some reason. And sometimes I almost think she's laughing. She'll be grinning and making noise at the same time, all these funny little gurgles and coos. Does that count as a laugh? Or will her laugh sound like an unmistakable chuckle? Eh, whatever it is, it's awesome!

1 comment:

  1. I want to hear these 'discussions' she has with you! Can we have a video pretty please? :)


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