
In a corner of Ikea...

Big day out yesterday. The three of us took our first trip to Ikea together! Just a few weeks ago, I could never have contemplated this. After all, it takes a while to get there. And the girl has gotta eat. At some point in time, while we were in that Swedish retail heaven, Violet was bound to get hungry. Now I know I could just pump a bottle and take it along, but Violet already gets a bottle at night and I don't want her getting too spoiled. Call it me being a neurotic first time mom. But still, it's my thing. So while we took a bottle just in case, I was prepared to be brave and whip out the boob in public for the first time. After all, things have been going so well lately, I've become much more relaxed, etc (see previous post).

Sure enough, Violet woke up like clockwork, just as Matt was in line buying us some fika (Swedish coffee time). Never fear! I found an awesome little secluded nook in the cafe. It was perfect - tucked away in the back corner, surrounded by lots of hanging fabric curtain decor things, there was even a tv for Matt. So we settled in, I covered up with a blanket, and proceeded to feed Violet. Voila! Not too bad at all! There was no one nearby to give me any weird looks, I was completely discreet, it was all going to work!

Until an enormous family (I'm talking at least four adults and four or five kids) swooped down on us and proceeded to plunk themselves right down in our cozy corner. I'm talking on the couch next to me. And on the other side of Matt. And this took doing on their part. They actually had to climb over various end tables and miscellaneous pieces of furniture to settle in around us. While all the while, Violet is calmly feeding beneath her blanket. Talk about a violation of privacy! And this family was the loud-talking, kid yelling, possibly toothless variety. (Don't worry, I doubt they are blog readers.) I figured, if they were okay sitting next to a nursing mom, I wasn't going to sweat it either. But I did attempt to strike up a conversation just to test their propriety. I mean, if you're going to sit down on the same couch as someone, you need to be prepared to talk to them. But I was shut down pretty quick. What to do other than hurry Violet along and get out of there as soon as possible. Oh well, at least I broke the ice on the whole nursing in public thing.

Our trip to Ikea = $7 worth of house stuff, $18 worth of food (the vast majority of which was spent on these fabulous Daim chocolates)! If you haven't tried them... come to our house!

We followed up our outing to Ikea by taking Violet out to her first restaurant. Up until this point, we've been strictly fast food, so we could grab things to go just in case the baby doth protest too much. But feeling brave (and having conquered Atlanta) we headed out for Mexican with Jody and Justin. When she fussed, Jody picked her up. When Jody needed to eat, I took a turn with the baby. And for the most part, Violet sat happily in her car seat. Thank goodness the restaurant was so loud, no one would have heard her peep anyway!

Violet likes Mexican food... and her crazy Aunt Jody!


  1. why is there not an "uncle lukas" option on the poll?!?!?

  2. have you ever considered using a nursing bra tank? i wear the glamourmom tanks which gives you complete discretion (eliminates you having to pull your shirt up).

    would have been perfect for your ikea trip


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