
Title Me Tuesday

It's baa-aack! Got a clever caption? Post it in the comments!

A little background... thanks to Mike and Sabine for the functional yet fabulous stair gate. Here's hoping my husband doesn't get too mad at me for posting this picture (he has a legitimate issue with Violet appearing naked on the internet where fifteen years from now her friends can find her - hopefully the censoring will help). The spot you see on Violet's back is a crazy birthmark that showed up a couple weeks after she was born and should disappear over time (they tell me). Now, have at! Bring on the wit!


  1. I'm sorry, mommy and daddy. I won't do it again!!! Please, let me downstairs or I'll call my grandma..

  2. Babies Gone Wild!! Spring Break 2011 - Panama City Beach, FL :-)

  3. How long until you give me my clothes back?

  4. I don't understand - is this how those ladies get the pretty beads? I just want a necklace!

  5. And some comments I received on FB:

    Dana Arendell Glover - HELLO down there......anybody home!!????

    Jeremy White - Where's my orange jump suit?

    Steve Gagne - Elmo? Is that u down there?

    Michael Boylan - It puts the lotion in the basket!

    Sabine Scholz - The gate looks great. Glad you were able to use it.

    Sabine Scholz And no that wasn't my caption suggestion. I am not good at captions. Other than maybe "Help, Let me out here, they want to give me a bath"

    Shelly White - Baby got back

    Shelly White - Don't fence me in

    Shelly White - is happy hour almost finished?


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