
Violet Started the Fire

Today was freezing cold, miserably wet, and the kind of all-around day that makes you want to stay nice and snug inside. Keep this small fact in mind as I tell you the rest of this story.

Have you ever wondered what a daycare does in case of a fire? I did, and asked during the first few days of Violet's enrollment. The big kids get lined up and walked outside, of course. But the babies? Well, all the cribs have wheels. In case of a fire, or a fire drill, the babies get plopped two to a crib and simply rolled outside. Smart, huh?

Well, today a child pulled the fire alarm.

On the other side of the wall in Violet's room, the babies were stripped to their diapers so they could enjoy a birthday party treat of cupcakes with colorful icing. They had to be thrown in a crib and taken outside, in the cold, in the wet, with whatever blankets the harried staff managed to grab on their rush out of the building. On Violet's side of the wall, things were no less stressed (as you can imagine). A wailing alarm overhead, babies screaming, Violet refusing to lay down in her crib but trying to sit up as they pushed her outside. Apparently it took a good 30 minutes after they got back inside before the hysterical, shaking babies could calm down. Poor things. Dra-ma.

Although it's nice to know all the preparation and practice actually work in case there is ever a real emergency.

Violet is all fired up in her new red-hot pajamas! (See what I did there? So punny!)

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