
Title Me Tuesday

In continuation of the joy that is the holiday season, here's another Title Me opportunity for your viewing pleasure. Post a witty (or not... mine generally are not) comment below and I'll post the winning title (assuming there are players in this little game) in the next blog. Enjoy!


  1. "Heeeere baby, baby, baby." - Spooky

  2. Gimme the paci...I want that paci...the paci is MINE!

  3. Spooky makes her move while the child is sleeping. AHA!! (She says to herself) I will regain my throne!!!!

  4. Not so long ago, in a land known as Suwanne, a little girl named Violet was overtaken by a tryptophan-induced mini-coma. As she slept peacefully, she was unaware that Spooky, the recently usurped ruler of the Loughman kingdom, had been waiting for just such a moment to regain her rightful place on her throne, also known as Prince Matt's lap. The prince looks on with enthusiasm to see who will win this epic battle for his affections. Advantage: Spooky.


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