
Night Night!

Violet learned a fun trick this past weekend. When the grandparents came up to visit, Grandpa took a little snooze in the chair. Violet kept pointing at him, so Grandma kept explaining that Grandpa was "night-night". She would tuck her hands under her tilted head in the universal sign for sleeping. Well, it didn't take long for Violet to catch on. Soon she was also doing the hands under her cheek sign every time she looked at Grandpa. Whenever we asked if she was ready for night-night, the hands went to the cheek. So cute! Later that afternoon when I put her in her crib for a nap, she would sit up until I told her "night night, Violet!" at which point she would promptly throw herself to the bed and lay her head on the mattress. She's such a smartie.


  1. The eyes in this picture look very tired. And look at that little hand tucked up by her cheek. She really clicked with that sign last Sunday. What a thrill to watch her show how much she understands about her surroundings. I love it.

  2. Are you doing any other sign language with her? We have been teaching Noah some basic signs and within the last few months he has really started using them a lot. It makes such a difference when we actually know what he wants!


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