
Sunday One: Fail

So... I meant to follow through with my resolution today. I really did. K, my next door neighbor (and self-appointed accountability partner when it comes to my church shopping mission), texted this morning to see if I was going to set out to my first church of the year. Alas, I was forced to text back and tell her that I would be failing my resolution just two days into the new year, because... Matt and I spent the night in the emergency room.

You know that stomach bug that's been going around? The 24-hour one with nausea, vomiting, other unpleasantness like that? The one I had earlier this week? Yeah, it caught up with Matt with a vengeance last night. Within a matter of hours, he was so dehydrated his hands were starting to go numb. So at a quarter to midnight, I called my neighbor and asked if I could leave Violet with her while I took my hubby to the ER. Thank God for my neighbors. A. met me at the back door and helped me get Violet to bed in her son's crib. And she was awake and waiting at 3 a.m. when we got back and I snuck over to pick up my sleeping bundle and bring her home. I can't imagine how much more trying the night would have been had I needed to drag Violet from her snug bed into the bright sterile lights of the hospital.

Anyway, Matt got an IV and some meds and has been slowly recovering on the couch ever since. My mother-in-law, who was planning to come up tonight anyway so she can babysit Violet tomorrow (I go back to work but daycare is closed) came up a few hours early to help me take care of my two sweet babies. Thanks to her, I was able to clean the house, do laundry, make spaghetti sauce and meatballs for dinner tomorrow.

So I failed my first Sunday, although I think I get a pass, considering the circumstances. And there's always next week! I even know which church to start with, and I have a shopping partner! A. and I are going to leave our kids with our hubbys and visit churches together - she wants to find one, too. (I've decided it will much easier to find a church without spending the entire service waiting for them to call me to the nursery to pick up my inconsolable child.) K. has promised to send more harassing texts to make sure I'm sticking with my mission. I'll let you know how it goes!

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