
Never Taken for Granted

Some of you who mosey by this blog may also click through to another blog I read faithfully. It has been chronicling the journey of a sweet little boy born months too early, and the journey of his family as they have struggled and fought and ultimately succeeded in bringing him home. Adrienne, his courageous mother, doesn't take a single day with him for granted, and I am so excited that baby Bennett has been doing so well lately.

It was through Bennett's blog that I came across another family that needs just as much grace and prayer as Bennett's. One day, Kate's blog looked a lot like mine - full of photos and updates about the latest achievements of their newest family member. Then just four days later, the blog revealed the heart-wrenching news that their youngest daughter Lucy is battling cancer. Their life has been turned completely upside-down in the blink of an eye. As Kate wrote from the hospital on Monday, her daughter's fifth birthday, "Things that mattered before don't matter now.  They may never matter again.  All that matters now is getting you well and bringing you home."

I know I preach about cherishing the moments but I have never meant it more than now. I think about how much I worry about Violet, like her clogged tear duct or her language development. Then I read Kate's story and realize my struggles pale in comparison. Kiss your babies. Tell your friends you love them. Never take a single moment for granted. And please, pray for Lucy



  1. This is so unbelievably heartbreaking. I will be sure to keep Lucy and her family in my prayers!

  2. Thanks for posting these reminders to appreciate and be thankful! I was reading one blog a few years ago, this mother of two lost her husband to a heart attack just out of the blue. They were such good partners and best friends and she was so heart broken. We really have SO much to be thankful. I will definitely pray for Lucy and everyone suffering and thank God for all that I have today!


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