

Violet's First Halloween!

Saturday night we headed next door to the "adults only" Halloween costume party. However, I considered Violet an accessory to my outfit, so she got to come too. Here we are, 1/3 of the Musketeers, a Damsel in Distress, and a Pretty Pretty Princess. What this picture doesn't show is the way Violet flipped out after we first entered the party (the house was very dark and spooky, and I think seeing one of the guests dressed as Slash put her over the edge). However, she settled down and started enjoying herself after awhile.

The fourth Musketeer!

Once Violet went to the babysitter's, the real party got underway, complete with silly games (find the candy corn on the golf course, anyone?) and a costume contest. I've never really been to a Halloween costume party before, at least not one as elaborate as this one (have I mentioned my lack of experience when it comes to this holiday?) so I had a blast.

 The "Best Costume" winners - All for One and One for All! (Costumes handmade courtesy of my lovely and talented neighbor (and party hostess) K.)

 And the lovely ladies.

Now then, I guess it's time to start thinking of next year's costume... I'm thinking something that can incorporate wearing pj's... this holiday is exhausting!

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