
The Weekend Cometh

Ah, another Friday! Do you all have a busy weekend planned? Got any things to scratch off the old to-do list? I'd like to say I'm going to spend a glorious afternoon scrubbing my shower, but alas, I have a feeling that one will remain undone. Can't win 'em all! But we will be heading over to Travis and Wendi's tomorrow afternoon for a little house-warming/birthday partying with the gang.

It's so nice to sneak into Violet's daycare room and watch her happily playing in the afternoons. The mornings tend to be hectic, and sometimes I have to leave her wailing, trusting in the fact that the lovely ladies over there will be swift to sweep her in their arms and comfort her. But by the afternoon she's generally all smiles and I love to take a few seconds and just watch as she interacts with her new friends (I only get a few seconds, though, her Mommy-radar is finely tuned!) Today she and her little rolling pal M. were sitting together on the playmat, both reaching into a bucket of toys. So cute! It's nice to know that regardless of how hectic a morning, Violet genuinely enjoys her time at "school". And speaking of, this week the babies got to make ink footprints! The posters were handing around the room as I came in yesterday, along with photos demonstrating the process of how they were achieved (put it this way, it's definitely a two-person job!) My first thought was, wow, Violet's feet are much bigger than I would have thought! And immediately after that, I realized that this is an activity I never would have thought to do with my Friend. I'm so glad that she's in a place where she is loved and treasured and gets to do crazy fun things like "walk" across a poster with feet covered in ink.

Remember last week when I headed up to Athens to start my final grad school class and I was so pumped to find out that one requirement is to be in a book club (which I already am - check!) Imagine my thrill when I found out this week that instead of writing a final research paper, we can opt to instead write a memoir of our first year in the classroom. Um, hello? Have you met me? I will totally be taking this option!

And before I forget, here's a little shout-out to the newest blog follower, Marilyn! Hey girl! Glad to see you here.

As for photos, my camera has been lacking action this week, but you know how I hate to post without at least one visual aid, so here's something from last week:

By the way, this is just random but someone's facebook comment reminded me... She made a joke about how I must keep Violet chained to the pink boppy (because so many pictures feature, yes, the pink boppy). But here's the deal, folks. I love my Boppy Bare Naked Expandable Miracle Middle Pillow. It might possibly the greatest invention ever for the nursing mother (with the exception of the breast pump). But the older Violet gets, the more I'm realizing... it's not just for propping her up for maximum boob access. It also makes a perfect back rest when she sits on the floor. Virtually any direction she tumbles, she'll have a cushion. So smart. Props to the boppy.

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