
6 Months Stats

Violet had her six month well-check Tuesday and per usual, the visit went great. She is in the 75th percentile for everything, weighing in at 17 pounds 3 ounces and measuring 26 and a half inches long. We're really getting really close to needing to switch her into a new car seat but I'm going to try and hold out as long as possible.

One new feature of this visit was the vision test Violet took. And of all the times not to have my camera with me! They hooked three electrodes to her head and put an eye patch on her. Then my little pirate frankenstein got plopped in front of a computer screen that flashed pictures and black and white bars. A rudimentary Baby Einstein show, if you will. Well, if there's one thing Violet loves, it's watching tv. So she passed the test with flying colors.

Believe it or not, Violet should be eating more food than she is already! So today we started the new feeding regime at daycare - cereal in the morning, veggies at lunch with her bottle, and then she'll get veggies and cereal at dinner. It seems like so much! But she's a growing girl, so it looks like I'll be making a baby food run to Target this week. (My sources say they have the best prices. Plus, I have coupons. Is it bad that my kid eats whatever brand baby food is on sale?)

That's it. Sorry this post is a little boring. Hopefully the picture below will make up for it. One of these days I'll have more time...

Oh, one more thing! Remember Violet's homework assignment? I had to bring in photos of baby girl doing interesting things (eating, sleeping, reading, playing with friends...) Well, her teachers turned it into the most beautiful photo collage for the room! And we got compliments on how many wonderful pictures we sent in (including the Swedish Chef photo from last week). All told, I translated it into an A-plus for Violet on her first assignment! What a little over-achiever! (Like mama, like daughter!)


  1. chiming in. feel free to ignore. i always got the earth's best organic baby food for judah and got it for so so so cheap at publix. every few weeks they go on BOGO and then you can stockpile coupons (there is usually a dispenser right by them in the store and there is one for printing on the website). we are for sure not crazy organic, but when you can get a 99 cent jar for 23 cents, you stock up. i would get like 140 jars at a time. maybe the nonorganic stuff can go even lower, but i though you'd like to know. chime complete.

  2. What a beautiful child!! I know I am very biased, but she will make a very pretty dark haired girl with (probably) big, big brown eyes. HMM.. That sounds like her mommy!!!


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