
Something in a Name

You know it's official when there's a banner in the hallway with your name on it! I was ridiculously excited to see this before preplanning ended. It feels very... real. Too real, I'm afraid, come tomorrow.  My classroom still needs some work, but at least it shouldn't frighten any of the kids away. This will be a week of running assessments with all the kids new to the school to establish their baselines. I'm not sure how long it will take, but hopefully soon I can get into a regular routine of rotating between the eight first grade teachers by next week. I also have some exciting ideas I'm thinking about when it comes times for my pull-out groups. Talking with my mom this weekend really helped - she has been teaching for years and still is so inspired. It has been easy to get overwhelmed these last couple weeks, but she helped me remember why I started down this path to begin with. Plus, she took me garage-saling yesterday and I scored some cute doo-dads to liven up my new space so I'm feeling good.

Violet in her "big girl" outfit. It's something about the pants. They just look so grown up to me! Maybe it's because she's actually wearing pants instead of just running around flashing her thighs in a onesie. Now that she goes to daycare every day, I'm trying to dress her more appropriately.

This has been a good last weekend before school (and my new life) starts. Violet got to try some bananas on Saturday. (We might be paying for it now... she hasn't pooped since Friday morning.) We hung out in Peachtree City and got our dentist appointments out of the way, got to see the fam and some friends, Violet got a new exersaucer, there was homemade pizza and lots of coffee... Is it sad that I'm already looking forward to next weekend?! We are just so busy these days and I'm feeling it all the more since I'm back in the working world. (Aside: I PROMISE I'll quit talking about how my life is changing, going back to work, blah blah blah. I know zillions of you are juggling work and home life just fine and can't wait for me to quit my whining. All in due time, my friends. All in due time.)

Anyway, that's all for now. Since I've decided to stop being a drama queen about my life, I have suddenly run out of things to say!


  1. haha nice dolphin and star. was there a reason for that or just general kid friendly?

  2. Our school mascot is the dolphin. As for the star, I think it means I'm special. ;) All the first grade teachers have a 1, the second grade teachers have a 2, etc. Since I'm not actually a teacher, per se, I guess I get a star (like the counselors, IT people, everyone else who isn't a teacher).

  3. i was hoping it was because you were a super strong swimmer


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