Six Months!
Six months today! That's half a year, ya'll! These past few weeks have been awesome. I feel like Violet has just blossomed (pun pun). She can sit up so well, roll over, entertain herself, she's eating all sorts of veggies and loving them, she laughs and smiles and seems to just love every minute of life. It is amazing how far we've all come. I can't say enough about how wonderful our little family is.
Speaking of family, the grandmothers came over the river and through the woods to entertain Violet while I was in Athens yesterday for class. (By the way, longest day ever. I left at 10 a.m. and didn't walk back in the door until 7 p.m. Sheesh! More exhausting than going to work every day! But more about class in a minute.) From the looks of it, they all had a pretty good time and didn't miss me one bit!
Violet holds court with two of her favorite people.
I got rave reviews (albeit biased one) about how charming Violet was, how happy and well she behaved. She showed off her rolling skills and stunned everyone by refusing to take a nap while her two favorite people were present. And who can blame her! I think the grandmas are pretty awesome too, I'm a little jealous I couldn't hang around! From the sounds of it, it might have been the best visit ever. Good thing too, since I have four more classes to go!
Speaking of class, the requirements don't sound too bad. There's a research project/paper, plus my exit letter (basically my argument to the graduation committee on why I deserve my master's degree). So two assignments. But get this. Since we are only meeting once a month, we're required to make up another class period's worth of time on our own by... being in a book club! Cha-ching! Existing book clubs count, and it doesn't matter what we read as long as we are furthering our own literacy pursuit. So I got the chance to brag about the world's best book club (of which I am the co-president and founder) and everyone was instantly jealous and begged to join. Sadly, I had to explain we're an exclusive club by-invitation-only, but I promised to send out our list of books/movies so that "you, too!" can start your very own group. Seriously though, how cool is it that something I'm already doing and loving is going to count towards my class?
Who needs mom when the grandmas are in town!
And speaking of book club, we had our meeting today and watched The Blind Side. It was excellent, and stayed very true to the book. (But still read the book, it is fabulous.) Matt joined us and enjoyed himself, and even Violet seemed rather engrossed (but then, she loves tv of all forms). Jen, our long-distance member, called in to say hi and submit next month's pick, The Boy In the Striped Pajamas (Movie Tie-in Edition) (Random House Movie Tie-In Books)
. (Wow, long title.) Should be another good (although hopefully not too depressing) pick.
All in all, it was an exciting, tiring weekend and I should probably be packing it in and going to bed early. This week promises to be nuts. We have picture day, I'm doing some new assessment I need to figure out so I don't screw up all the scores, and Tuesday I'll be going in late because Miss Violet has her six month well-check. Apparently this appointment includes some type of vision screening, which should be interesting! Wednesday is an early release/staff development day, which promises to screw up the daily schedule royally. Plus we are hosting the neighborhood supper club tomorrow (spaghetti sauce and meatballs were made today in anticipation). Good grief, I am in need of another weekend already! At least (cross your fingers) all us Loughmans seem to finally be feeling better, so there's that at least.
So cute!! Can you email a couple copies of the posted pictures to WalMart for me?? They would be great ones to send to Great Grandma. I find it hard to think up things to send to her. Good luck this week. Sounds like a busy one, though nice to have Wednesday a short day.