
Title Me Tuesday

My bloggyfriend Rachel has a brilliant blog tradition she calls Wordless Wednesday, which, obviously, is a post with no words, just an awesome picture for us to drink in. And while I can't promise to post every Wednesday, nor am I so good about posting without talking your ear off, it's too good of an idea to let pass me by.

So now, in the words of Jon Stewart, here is your (wordless) moment of zen:

Okay, hold the phone, HOLD THE PHONE. I have an even better idea! Since the wordless thing is clearly not going to work for me, how about... write your own caption?! I'll call it "Title Me Tuesday" and you guys have to come up with a title to match the photo! I love it! (Hopefully I won't be the only one who things this plan is brilliant... and hopefully this won't be the only Tuesday I manage to come up with a worthy picture or this will be a short-lived tradition indeed.) Perhaps I'll even post the winning caption (assuming anyone participates in my little game) and maybe one day there will ever be prizes! Anyway, have at!


  1. "Oh hold on a second... I forgot what I was going to say... It'll come to me... Wait, wait, wait... Just give me a moment..."

  2. Violet wants to be in Mommy's class this year. She falls asleep practicing her big girl Kindergarten walk through the hallways!

  3. She fell asleep pondering the toughest world issues, didn't she?

  4. How about "Insert food here..."

  5. To poop or not to poop? That is the question.

  6. "Shall I have rice cereal or milk for dinner? Decisions, decisions!"


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