
Rolling into the Weekend

So we made it to the close of another week. This one has been a doozy. After battling a crazy sore throat runny nose combo last week, I was hit with some kind of 24 hour stomach bug to kick things off this week. I'll spare you the gory details, but suffice to say, as I lay writhing in pain on the floor Monday night, I decided I would much rather go through the pain of labor again than ever suffer the stomach cramps I had. I came thisclose to calling in on Tuesday, but I sucked it up. Unfortunately, Matt came down with a fever Thursday night, so we've been sharing the load and limping through the week.

 Nothing spoils Violet's appetite! (And I swear we're not alcoholics, the beer boxes were for packing purposes. I SWEAR.)

Tomorrow I head back to Athens for the first of my last grad school class sessions. On the plus side, we meet once a month. But it means each class lasts five hours, and when you factor in commuting time, I'll putting in another eight hour day tomorrow. Matt will be pulling baby duty while I'm gone, but never fear. Not one but both grandmas are coming up to offer reinforcement. Since neither of them have seen Violet for awhile, they were eager to volunteer their services. Let's see if they feel as generous next month!

In developmental milestone news... Violet rolled over today! She rolled from her back to her belly all by herself. It happened for the first time at daycare and her sweet teacher was so excited she made a point to write down the exact time so she could tell me. It's a skill they've really worked on with Violet - it's the first thing she does every morning after I drop her off. There's another little girl in the room, Violet's same age, Violet's same degree of spoiled-rottenness. So they get their floor time together (and then get to wail it out together at the indignity of being placed on the floor when what they really want is to be held in someone's arms). But wouldn't you know it, they both rolled for the first time today. Aw, do I sense BFF status in their future? Anyway, I've been waiting for this milestone because all the books say something sinister along the lines of "if your kid can't do this by six months, see a pediatrician". Well, we have two days to spare! Whew! Good thing I think all that milestone stuff is crap anyway (mostly).

Well, that's it. I'm tired, full from pizza night with the neighbors, and should probably find a notebook or something productive to take to class with me tomorrow. So here's a little something to send you into the weekend with a smile...

It's naked time!

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