
Pre-K Graduation

I really don't have to put words with this post. I'm pretty sure Violet's expression says it all! She is done! Done with school uniforms, done with mandatory nap times, done with pre-k! It's been an awesome ride, thanks to her fabulous teachers and wonderful friends. In fact, that's the only bittersweet part of this whole monumental occasion - the band is breaking up. She's been with some of these sweet friends since the infant room at daycare and now it's the end of an era. But there are so many more adventures in store!

Getting her diploma from Ms. Courtney.

Proud graduates!

We'll see this picture again in 12 years...
The graduation ceremony (all two hours of it... kill me now) included five graduation classes, each of which did their own '50s song and dance number. I'm not being biased when I say that Violet's class was definitely the best, both performance and behavior-wise. Credit goes to her awesome teachers, who earned a couple more stars in their crowns in heaven for all their work preparing for the big night. Stars also go out to both grandmas, who tagged along to help take care of Annie way past her bedtime so we could focus on the event at hand. Annie was so excited to see Violet... she stood on Matt's lap and clapped enthusiastically for every name that was called!

Watching for "Vi-luh".

Bye Pre-K!

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