
It's That Time of Year

It's that time of year again when I start thinking about resolutions. What do I want to change in my life? What do I want to do differently? I love making New Year's Resolutions, partly because I'm a list girl and we're talking about the ultimate list. Plus a new year is so fresh and clean, full of promise. I can't help but dream big and make plans for the best year yet!

Last year I had good intentions for my resolutions. Matt and I were going to start going to church. Regularly. And join one. And become part of a community, build a little family of fellow believers that we could share with belong to, people who could support us as we grow into our new family.

Well, we all know how that turned out. We found a church, liked it, tried the nursery, hated it, and gradually the whole thing went bust. Fail.

But then, come fall, we wandered over to our neighbor's house for a small group. And found some nice people. Lovely people. People who have prayed for me (continually... I pretty much have a standing reservation of the prayer list), accepted us, surrounded us. And without really planning to, we found our community. And as I think about it, I realize that on all our visits to the big box church, we never met anyone. We never formed any friendships or felt like we belonged, which was the whole point anyway. So while we might have technically failed at finding the big building and jamming worship band, I'm going to count this year's resolution a success. One that continues to grow.

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