
Am I Old?

As I was thinking back over everything we did this weekend, I started wondering... Why do I recap the weekend here? Do you all really care what we did these last couple of days? Well, even if you don't, tough cookies, because reviewing my weekend helps me take it all in stock. It changes my thinking about the last couple days. As I view it from a different angle, I discover the way the light catches on certain events and makes even the boring seem beautiful. I'll go from "this was such an unproductive weekend and I can't believe it's over already I got nothing accomplished" to "wow... I did all that and a load of laundry!"

And went to my first Tupperware party! (How 1970's am I, right?) And let me tell you, Tupperware ain't cheap. I had no idea what I was getting into, but whoa. I have a whole stack of plastic containers currently residing in my kitchen that cost less than the one piece I purchased at this event. Just be glad I didn't get suckered into hosting my own party or I'd be guilting and cajoling you all to show up and spend your own money! Like I said, I did pony up for one piece - it's a shoebox shaped container that has two regulating air vents on the side. Supposedly it helps keep your produce fresher because you can pop the vents depending on the needs of the veggies inside. I'll let you know if it was worth the ridiculous amount of money I spent on it.

The party was immediately followed by the Braves opening weekend baseball game! We met Matt's parents off an exit to swap cars/childcare duties, and then headed up for the tailgating extravaganza. I'm pretty sure the last Braves game I tailgated at was the one where we announced to our circle of friends that we were pregnant with Violet. So it's been awhile. Now almost everyone we were with has gone on to have a kid of their own, so our conversations were hilariously different. At one point I stopped and had to ask, "Does it seem weird that we're all married and parents and homeowners (etc.)?" To which my friend Kelly emphatically replied, "No! We're in our thirties!" (As in, "we're old and this is what we're supposed to be doing!") Still, every now and then it still surprises me. Thirty always seemed so... old. But I don't feel old. I mean, I still shop at Old Navy for crying out loud. (Unless... am I too old for Old Navy? Ya'll would tell me, right?)

Anyway, lest this delve into philosophical depths I'm not ready to explore at this late hour (of 9 p.m., because apparently I am old), here are some visual aids...

Tailgating... the weather was perfection.
Great seats!
Braves win!
The rest of the weekend followed pretty much the usual pattern of: laundry, entertain Violet, put Violet in timeout for unspecified crimes against nature, hug Violet, grocery store, entertain Violet, grade papers, dinner, entertain Violet, put Violet in bed, put self in bed. We're looking at jam packed weekends like this one until summer arrives, but I'd say they are worth it.

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