
Monday's Child

23 Weeks!

This week's picture perfectly shows off Violet's two most recent achievements - sitting up and discovering her feet! I took this picture once we got home today (me from school, Violet from daycare) and as you can see from her expression, the little plop seems to have survived her first day. I was okay dropping her off; she was all smiles for her teacher. But I snuck a peek in the door before walking out and the screams had commenced. So naturally, I cried too. The owner Mrs. T saw me and gave me a huge hug. I checked on Violet twice during the day - once she was doing great, once not so much. And when I walked in to get her, she was crying but stopped as soon as she spotted me. All in all, the day went as I expected it. We got the log of her day and she ate well, napped decently, and according to today's "curriculum" the babies worked on sitting up (um, she's a master!) and hugging! If they give grades for hugging, you know any child of mine is going to pass with flying colors.

As for me, my first day went pretty well. I was so busy I couldn't dwell on the lack of baby attached to my hip. Halfway through the day I found out I get my own room!

I know. Not much to look at. No one was expecting it. I have the next couple days to get it looking remotely appealing. My schedule still isn't set. While the first grade team is thrilled to have me, they haven't quite figured out the best way to use me. I might be pulling kids into this room for an hour a day, or up to four hours. Either way, I'm hoping it's not quite so hospital room meets thrift store random blahness by Monday morning. 

Anyway, I'm exhausted and just glad this first day is over. I imagine it will get harder and more overwhelming before it starts getting easier, but I'm still very exciting. This school is amazing. The teachers, the administrators, the building, everything is so different from the last school I was in, I hardly know what to think. Hopefully this is just the beginning of a long stay here.

1 comment:

  1. Violet looks like she survived her first day in baby boot camp with flying colors. She will do well and learn to trust and enjoy so many people. Your room at school is a blessing. What a great thing to have somewhere of your own to start and end the day instead of being a gypsy. I have had it both ways in my years in public school. Good luck the rest of the week. Lee Anne


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