On days Matt plays in the band at church, he has to leave the house by 6:30. Early enough on a weekend that he's usually long gone by the time the girls and I get up. So it's up to me to get all three of us dressed, fed, and in the car. Some mornings go better than others. This morning, for example, Annie figured out how to climb out of the empty bathtub where I normally corral the girls while I shower. She bopped her head pretty good on the way out, so that was fun.
One thing I've learned over time is that the less time we linger in the house, the better. There is a direct correlation between the amount of time spent in the house before church and the volume of whines. So we leave as soon as everyone is ready, regardless of what time we'll end up arriving. We end up staying through the second service anyway, and a little extra Jesus never hurt anybody.
A couple weeks ago, things were headed south pretty quickly. So I pulled the typical Mom of the Year prize winning move - I bribed. With sugar. And off to Dunkin Donuts we went! Thankfully we were the only ones in the place and had no problem taking over the best seats in the house.
Peek-a..... |
...BOO! |
I'm pretty sure this was Annie's first doughnut; certainly the first one I let her have all to herself. Girlfriend can put down some holes, let me tell you. Both my children are experts when it comes to sweets. They learned from the best!
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