
Hanging with the Boys

The satisfied smile of a potty pee-er.
Well, she did it again. We had another successful trip to the potty. And I'll stop talking about it now lest you think this blog is going to spiral into some Bridget Jones' Diary-esque account of Violet's toilet training saga.

Well, it probably won't be the very last you hear on the subject, since we're just entering this uncharted territory and have all sorts of fun left before we can put a stamp of success on the matter. But I'll stop talking about it for now.

In other news, Violet got to hang out with a new crowd today! Usually she's the baby of the neighborhood, but this afternoon we got to visit with an old circle of friends (we're so old, we now have kids to bring to our events) and Violet was the oldest. It's so nice to have friends with kids. I used to be the only one stuck inside with a baby while everyone else got to live it up. But now we all get to hang out and swap war stories (and burp cloths) together. It's a little louder, but more fun. There's a whole new dynamic, a new level of what we have in common. Plus no one minds if there are crumbs on the floor or tears over spilled milk.

So here is Violet with her new buddies. Doesn't she look enormous in comparison to these boys? Granted, she's a year (or more) older, but still. Boys. Always boys! Someone around here needs to have a girl!

And speaking of new babies, two dear friends have both recently announced that they're expecting for the first time, so here's to new future playmates!

Hanging with the boys.

The cougar goes in for a kiss! (Jackson doesn't seem thrilled.)

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