
Diaper Duty

To my knowledge, Matt has never changed a diaper before. Well, yesterday was a banner day for him. It all started at the office, where his co-workers threw a lovely surprise (well, it was supposed to be) shower for him.
Matt finally gets to open some presents!

One of the gifts we received was our new pack n' play! It was pretty much the last remaining "must have before Violet is born" item on the list, so I was thrilled. We took it home and immediately set it up. Way cute. Elephants have unintentionally become a bit of a theme and I'm loving it. And if you knew the drama we (well, I) went through trying to choose this pack n' play. Originally I wanted one with all the extra doo-dads - music and lights and newborn napper and diaper stacker and latte maker and... you get the picture. Then my conscience caught up with me. Would we really use all the extra features? Okay, if it really was a latte maker, I'd pay extra. But the rest of it? Eh... So off the registry it came, replaced by a more streamlined, affordable (and cuter) version. Naturally I second-guessed this decision. It's so frustrating not knowing what to expect, what we'll really use, what Violet will actually like... But as soon as we got it, I loved it. (So much so that I changed the blog colors to try and match. It didn't really work though.) I'm really trying to get better about not freaking out so much about this stuff. I'll let you know how that goes...  

Anyway, we got it home and all set up and naturally we decided to test it out with the closest thing to a baby we have right now - my old teddy bear (oh so originally named "Teddy"). But before we could put Teddy to bed, Matt decided he needed to explore the world of diapers.
"This isn't so hard..."
Ta-daaaa!!! (Look how proud he is!)
Testing out the pack n' play... She likes it!
Now just imagine Violet instead of Teddy... 
(Also, if our mothers are reading this, no, we do not intend to leave the pack n' play in front of the windows like this. Fear not!)

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