
38 Weeks!

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! This year we celebrated by making a trip to Home Depot and then Matt worked on getting our half bath painted while I read all about the magic properties of swaddling and shushing from The Happiest Baby on the Block. So romantic!

Well, we made it to 38 weeks. That means, any day now, Violet will make her grand debut. I gotta be honest though, it doesn't feel like she's coming any time soon. I keep waiting to feel different somehow - crankier, or ill, or an irrepressible urge to scrub the spice rack or something. But so far I feel exactly like I've felt all along, just more rotund. Although I do think I'm starting to get that pregnant woman waddle.

At my OB check on Friday, the doc decided Vi's going to be an average size baby, right around 7.5 pounds or so. I have no idea how accurate they can be just pushing on a uterus, but there you go. At least she's not tracking to be a 12-pound wallop of joy. I'm hoping to get a few week's worth out of her newborn clothes. (But I've only washed a few of them, just in case.) It will be such a relief when she's here and I can see what size clothes, diapers, she fits into. At least then I'll know what I'm dealing with!

Anyone watching the Olympics? I don't know if it's my hormones, or if anything with the word "mom" in it is just getting to me these days, but this commercial makes me tear up every time. Consider it my Valentine to you.


  1. totally cried at this commercial. but then i also cried at the video montage of the us and canada's relationship.

  2. Ok, didn't cry, but I did get that spicy feeling in my nose when you're about to cry. Does that count?

  3. Totally counts. Unless you really just had to sneeze.


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