
Two Months!

My big girl is two months old! We just got back from the pediatrician and here are the stats.

Miss Violet weighs in at a whopping 10 pounds, 13 ounces! Hello! I mean, I knew she had gained weight, just by the simple fact that my arm hurts more when I hold her. And don't even get me started on the infant carrier. And of course, she's totally out of her newborn clothes. But 10/13?! That means she gained 2 lbs, 2 oz in the last month. What a chunky monkey! Matt and I took bets yesterday and he took ten pounds while I took anything under ten. Unbelievable. She is 23 inches long, and firmly in the 50th percentile in all categories.

Violet is also one brave cookie. She got her shots today, and she only screamed (face as red as the band-aids covering her chubby thighs now) for a few seconds. Mommy had a harder time than she did, I think. I made Matt play the bad guy while I hid in the corner so she wouldn't associate the pain with me. The nurses timed their shots simultaneously while Matt held her arms. "Hold her tight, dad," the nurse said. So sad. But she was a trooper, and fast asleep in the car seat before we even got her out of the exam room. I'm armed with Infant Tylenol in case she is fussy or gets a fever today, but so far she has been good as gold and is currently slumbering peacefully in her swing.

Post-vaccination Violet. Look at those band-aids!

1 comment:

  1. This has got to be my favorite outfit so far! What a sweet baby.


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