A most remarkable thing has been happening, ever since Violet turned six weeks old. What is it about that magical age? People have been telling us that it all changes around six weeks, but all we could tell is that six weeks equals a crankier baby. What we didn't realize was that a crankier baby equal a more tired baby. She still doesn't nap very well during the day. She catches 20 minutes her, 45 minutes there, but nothing long enough to let me get anything productive done. And a more tired baby during the day equals a baby who sleeps longer at night.
Sure, she sleeps longer! That first night, it was me who was awake at 4:00 a.m. Why, you may ask? Because my poor boobs felt like this:
When the baby doesn't eat when your body thinks she should, things fill up in there! So while Violet slept peacefully in her bouncy chair next to me, I was up in the middle of the night pumping! Oh, the irony. But I'm not complaining. Anyway, that first night she slept until 4:30 a.m. The next night, she lasted a little longer. But last night! Last night takes the cake.
Violet was so tired and cranky, I had to let her fall asleep (as in, I did everything I could to ensure she did fall asleep!) around 9:30, even though I knew we'd have to get her up again. At 11:00, Matt woke her up so she could suck down a nice, fat bottle, after which she promptly passed out again. And that sweet girl stayed asleep until 7 a.m.! All night long!
Now, does this mean we've got it down pat? Probably not. Am I prepared for a relapse of midnight feedings? Sure. But have we hit a milestone? I think it's safe to say so.
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