
It's a Wrap

Confession: I'm a terrible present wrapper. I have such good intentions. Everything gets measured properly, I have the tape dispenser ready to go. I start with the creasing and folding. And then it just somehow goes wrong. Even the most straight forward gifts, books or DVDs, end up with a bubble of paper where there should be a nice clean line. Or it takes eight pieces of tape to hold down one side. Sigh. It doesn't help that I have a hard time spending money on decent paper and doo-dads, considering it's all going in the trash within minutes.

 Can't wrap? Bah humbug.

Still, I really envy those of you who wrap so creatively. My mother-in-law is pretty good when it comes to wrapping. I think her secret is the stockpile of garnishments she has ready to go - sprigs of holly, ribbons of all color and shape, pre-made bows, bells, fancy tags, glitter this and that - anything looks chic with some glitter and a sleigh bell attached. Most of the time I don't bother wrapping anything until I get to her house and hit up her supply stash!

Some presents don't need paper...
After the craziness of the last day of school, with the overdose of holiday parties and cookies and crazy kids and crazier teachers, I was ready to throw the towel in on Christmas. But I'm getting my holly jolly spirit back, thanks in part to the First Annual Neighborhood Night of Lights held this Saturday. We gave Violet her bedtime bottle, threw her in the car in her pajamas, and we set out determined to drive down every single street in our neighborhood to enjoy the lights. An hour and a half later we were finally home again! Apparently our 'hood is rather large. Matt and I enjoyed ourselves immensely, indulging in one of my favorite holiday traditions, criticizing other people's light displays. Man, there are some hideous decorations out there. (I won't tell you what they looked like, lest you realize that your own house is on the offenders list.) But needless to say, we had a ball.

 I've been good this year, Santa, I promise! I tried my best!

 Santa Baby

These pictures were our Christmas present from Violet's daycare, taken by her favorite teacher Tracey. Thanks Tracey! We love you!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've got a baby model! Beautiful photos!


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