
Ice Princess

So we had a snow day yesterday! Rather, an ice day. Which actually only turned out to really be a rain day. But either way, school was canceled! I went to bed knowing we were on at least a two hour delay (goodbye alarm clock!) and awoke to find the whole day called off.

 Dad and Violet watching some videos on the phone before heading next door for dinner.

The weather was actually pretty nasty up here, not thawing out until about ten or eleven (at which point I finally ventured out to the MinuteClinic - the 45 MinuteClinic - to get some meds for this blasted sinus infection). But things turned balmy pretty quick, and with Matt taking the day off as well, we had some family fun time.

Proof that Violet doesn't mind the carseat anymore. She is like a giant marshmallow mummy in her winter coat - her arms stick straight out and she can't reach down to pick up her toys when they fall to the front of the seat. Hilarious! (For us. Not so much for her.)

I'm looking forward to finishing up school today and starting Christmas break. Two weeks off, whoo hoo! The shopping is almost done, the wrapping hasn't even started yet, family is starting to arrive in town and I'm ready for this party to get started!

The snow baby sets out on her long trek across the kitchen floor.
(Is it just me or does Violet look like a fluffy pink buffalo in this pose?)

Aren't you going to pick me up already?!

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