
Graduation Plus Randoms

This post is way late. But enough happened over the weekend that I might as well give you the run-down! First of all, my little sister graduated from high school! Big deal! And also, I'm old!

I used to think high school graduation wasn't that big of an accomplishment - to me it's more of a requirement. But now I realize it's not just finishing high school, it's the fact that one part of life is over and you're moving onto the next. It's a step closer to adulthood, to your future. So in that case, yes, big deal. Congrats Chitra! (Picture of Violet and her auntie in her graduation getup to come.)

There's Chitra on the left, walking to her seat before the program commences. Good grief, was my high school graduation this long?!

We took Violet to graduation and thankfully it wasn't too hot. And thanks to our awesome snap and go stroller, she could just chill out in the car seat at the top of the bleachers and have a great view.

She didn't love her icy cold bottle, but she took it nonetheless and was on the verge, the very edge, of sleep until the a-hole in front of us let loose on his air horn. (And I just realized that sounded like a fart joke.) Not funny. Poor Violet majorly freaked out, even though I saw it coming and had one of her ears smushed into my arm and my hand over the other ear. No good. So thanks a lot, jack@ss who reeked of alcohol. After that, every spat of cheering sent Violet over the edge and we ended up taking her home early, thus smartly beating the crowds and traffic. Besides, we'd already heard all the speeches and watched Chitra march across the stage (go girl!).

Memorial Day weekend continued with a neighborly cookout and fireworks the men set off on the edge of the golf course about three minutes before a violent (not violet, like I just wrote) thunderstorm broke over us. That's when Miss K (all friends/neighbors to remain anonymous until they give me permission to blog about them) gave some toys to Violet and I had the sudden realization that I've been boring my child. We headed out on Monday and bought her some fun new things (naturally, she likes the hand-me-downs way better than the stuff we spent our money on).

 Hey, we paid good money for that!

And if I haven't mentioned it already, Violet has been sleeping upstairs and we have been sleeping downstairs. It all works well. She still gets rocked to sleep (I just can't let her cry it out... she can keep it up for 45 minutes in the car and no one needs that!) and every now and then I make the trek upstairs to pop the paci back in, but things have been pretty smooth so far. When I told my neighbors, they both gave me a little round of applause. That's what I love about them - they both have kids, so they've been down that road and they know what a big deal it is. Not that you guys don't understand... I just can't hear your applause through the computer.

Tummy time is more fun on daddy's tummy.

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