
4 Months!

Four Months!

Now excuse me for being biased, but if that's not a doll baby, I don't know what is! Even if she only wore the outfit for picture time, it was cute while it lasted. I'm learning something about myself... I'm too lazy to deal with fancy outfits and hairbows. Give me a onesie and we'll call it a day. I'm all for practicality and comfort. I used to think I'd play dress up all day long with my girl, but dressing her is kind of a pain. She hates having her arms pulled through sleeves of any kind. Perhaps because it means that for a split second, her hands won't be at her disposal to plop in her mouth. It's funny, all the things I thought I would do when I had a baby, only to have things turn out differently when she actually got here. But hey, that's okay.

Violet marked her fourth month by spending the day with her Mimi. After all the running around we've done, it's a luxury just to hang out at home. A week from today we head back to the pediatrician for her well-check (and more shots). I'm a little nervous... Dr. Teague made the mistake of telling me some of the milestones she'll be checking for, so I've been trying to practice with Violet. But so far, she hasn't showed much interest. Although she likes to show off for her doctor, so maybe she'll surprise us like she did at her one month check up when she rolled over for the first time. (Poor girl peaked too early with that skill... she hasn't rolled over, or showed any interest in it, in a couple months now.)

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