
Raspberry Cordial and Turkish Delight

You either know exactly what I'm talking about when I say the magical words "raspberry cordial" or, alas, you don't. But I hope you do, because you will love this hilarious post I stumbled upon the other day. May I introduce you to "Foods from Fiction" and the hilarious undertaking of two cheeky chicks who attempt to make Anne (with an 'e') and Diana's devilish concoction, and the alluring Turkish Delight straight from Narnia itself. The results are... well, here's a sample to whet your appetite:

"In summary:
Things Turkish Delight Looks Like:
- Vaseline
- Lush bath bar
- A human being’s insides
- A lemon bar injected with blood
Things Turkish Delight Doesn’t Look Like:
- Food
Things To Do With Turkish Delight Instead Of Eating It:
- Build a bomb, maybe (?)
- Home insulation
- Put it in your hair, see what happens
- Throw it at the house of someone you dislike

Maybe it was because we tried it after the Turkish Delight, but the raspberry cordial was GOOD. Too warm? Yes. Too sweet? Yes. But it reminded me of other things I’ve appreciated having in my mouth, food-wise, which is more than I can say for the Delight. This isn’t sanctioned by the book, but Emily and I feel that a little vodka mixed in with the cordial and seltzer would go a long way. Or maybe just a glass of vodka with a splash of seltzer and cordial. Or just a glass of vodka with some cordial off to the side, for the pleasing color. Who knows!"

Who knew food from fiction could be so fascinating?! Do yourself a favor and just go read the post. You can come back here later and thank me lavishly in the comments.

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