
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from the Loughman family! I've been thinking a lot about New Year's Resolutions.

My word of the year is going to be Generosity. The last couple years I've picked a word that was very me-focused. You know, I wanted to "choose joy" or "be intentional" or whatever. But if I'm honest with myself, those words never really stuck. Maybe they're too hard to measure. (I'm a big fan of quantifiable goals.) Too vague. But I'm kind of over all this me-focused stuff. Ugh. I'm so over me. This year I really wanted a word that was less about how I could be better, and more about how I could make other things better.

So, generosity. I can be generous with my money, obviously. Maybe - taking one hundred dollars a month to spread some random kindness. Pay for the car behind me in the drive-thru. Leave a really generous tip to the stressed waitress. Bless a giftcard on someone at work going through a tough time. Buy a goat.

I can also be generous with my time. Read that extra bedtime story (without gritting my teeth). Send Matt out for an extra long run (without tabulating all the things I'd rather be doing with that time). Say "yes" a bit more. Find time on the calendar to go ahead and block off for that family time. Generosity to me looks like an attitude - doing the things I might have already been doing, but with a happy attitude. 

What other areas of life can I be generous in?

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