

Recently Violet has developed a stutter. Actually, it's not so much a stutter as it is an inability to get her words out. Which is probably the definition of a stutter, now that I think about it. It's goes like this: "Bu-bu-bu-bu-bubub-bu-bye-bye Daddy!" It's almost as though her brain is working faster than her little mouth can get the words out, so she gets stuck on one sound until the entire thought can burst forth fully formed. It's a little cute and a little annoying. Hopefully it's a developmental thing that she'll grow out of. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not.

Speaking of developmental, Matt noticed that Violet only rolls in one direction. Is that weird? Physically we can roll her over the other way. But if asked, she only rolls clockwise. If she reaches a barrier, rather than rolling back the other way, she gets up and walk herself to another position so she can continue her clockwise movement. I don't know... maybe it's like a right-hand, left-hand thing.

And Violet still has paci. She's as addicted as ever. I just don't know how we're going to break the habit. Fortunately the dentist didn't seem to upset when I called for advice. I was expecting a bigger guilt trip than the one they lay on me every visit for not flossing enough. But they seemed rather cool with it. Obviously the woman I spoke with is a sympathetic mother. That's the only way I escaped with as much grace as I did. We are going to take that darned paci away, I promise. For one, I'm getting tired of my nightly 3 a.m. trek upstairs to dig the blasted thing out from under the bed when the "mama... night-niiiight!" wail starts up.

Alright, that's all from the mom-of-the-year files. At least I have a sweet girl who loves giving hugs and kisses and insists that I watch her "hop duh buddy" (hop like a bunny) across the living room. She really is the best.


  1. I don't know a thing about stuttering... but my friend blogged about it here, http://babymardis.blogspot.com/ in December and November, she has posts about her boy's trouble with stuttering and then it drifted away. So it could just be a developmental phase and not a reason to worry at all :-)

  2. It is developmental, you have a good handle on it and if you want to talk to me about it just call. This is something I worked with a lot with parents. It will probably just last until her expressive language skills catch up a little better with her thoughts, however there are some things that would be helpful both to her and to you. Kelly Gagne would also be a good source of information.
    Didn't notice it at all at Christmas.

  3. ditto. judah JUST started having a raging stutter out of nowhere that scared me so bad the first time that he did it that i thought he had a stroke. it has been annoying and weird to live with it these few weeks, but it is already going away and is only really bad when he's tired or worked up. now that i know its no big thing, i think its cute because it makes him sound more baby.


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