
So I've started dabbling in Pinterest, a place where you can "pin" things you like - pictures, quotes, ideas, inspirations, whatnots - to various boards. Basically, it's a place to keep all your online stuff together. Then you can look at other people's boards and get inspired and "repin" to your boards. You can follow people you admire or envy. It's actually pretty cool. But people get seriously obsessed over there. And talk about the black hole of time wasters... and I don't have that much time to begin with.

Anyway, I'm dabbling. There are a couple things I've seen that I've earmarked to remind myself when it comes time to plan for nursery number two (NOT hinting at anything!) or decorate for Christmas. And I've stumbled across a couple cool DIY projects that I wish I could try my hand at.

One of them was this piece of artwork made with puff paint:

I mean, it's just canvas and puff paint! So the other day I was in Michael's getting some school supplies and on a whim picked up a little tube of puff paint. I dug up an old, empty canvas and...

The pattern isn't as pretty (I should have stuck to smaller swirls), and next time I won't sketch it out with pencil first, because the paint didn't quite cover up the lines in every place. But over all, I give myself a B-minus in execution and an A-plus in spontaneity and gumption. I will definitely be trying my hand at another one of these. A trio of smaller, side by side canvases might look pretty... Or perhaps the pearly white puff paint on a background of dark blue... We shall see. I do enjoy a good, low-risk, cheapo DIY project!


  1. Nice, Kristine! I've never used puff paint before. It'd be fun to see what different colors would look like, too.


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